Filter ▸28.06.2023 | Interdisciplinary experience at the HTW
Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten
*This experience report about the work in CoderDojo was written by a former member in March 2022 (editor’s note).
In the third semester of the Master’s degree course in Business Communication, I was able to encounter the development of the project and soon-to-be association CoderDojo Schöneweide at HTW Berlin. At the information event, I particularly liked the motivation and vision of confronting children of a young age with the world of programming in a playful way. I have no in-depth understanding of this myself, but wanted to support the young team with other knowledge and skills.
16.06.2023 | Myth Workshop at Karlshorst Elementary School
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
On 17.05.2023 and 24.05.2023 we were at the Karlshorst elementary school and organized a Scratch workshop on the topic of sagas together with the 6th grade students.
On May 17th, after a short introduction, we started directly with the robot game. The pupils were faced with the difficult task of programming our robot Ilja so that he could satisfy his hunger for toast with peanut butter. This required many intermediate steps, such as unwrapping the toast and inserting the knife into the peanut butter. The latter ensured that the knife ended up knob first in the jar of peanut butter. In the end, however, Ilya was still able to eat the toast after successful programming.
#gskarshorst #programmieren #scratch #sagen10.03.2023 | Processing Workshop: Programming Pictures and Animations
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
On March 4, we held the Processing-Worksop. We looked at the program “Processing” with children aged 12 and over - for many it was their first time programming with text. How exciting! And really well mastered.
The aim of the workshop was to provide a fun introduction to programming by using Processing to create images and animations. Participants were given a brief introduction to the color theory of the RGB system as used by computer screens.
#workshop #programmieren #processing27.02.2023 | FEZ - The Pixel Worlds February 23
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
On two weekends, February 11 and 12 and February 18 and 19, kids were able to make their own VR goggles, design PixelArt or play Jump’n’Run SuperMario live in the gym at the FEZ leisure and recreation center.
We took part in the CoderDojo on the 11th and 12th with two workshops each entitled “Robot competitions”.
#fez #dashbots #programmieren #spiele15.02.2023 | Experiences from a semester at CoderDojo Schöneweide
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
In the following lines, I would like to share my impressions of CoderDojo Schöneweide, which I received during the winter semester 22/23. I myself am a student at the HTW and came to the CoderDojo via the selection list of the HTW’s AWE modules.
My first impressions were of some really friendly people who are enthusiastic and enjoy what they do. As well as working on the well thought out workshops, there is a lot going on behind the scenes here. The impressions I want to share here are just some of those hidden activities that turn into wonderful experiences for children and CoderDojo members alike.
#Erfahrungsbericht25.01.2023 | New CMS!
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
As part of our AWE at the HTW, we (Philipp and Jonas) have been working on making our website a little better. You’re probably thinking that something visible to you readers has changed. But when developing websites, a lot happens in the background that you don’t usually see directly. Our project was about simplifying the creation of these blog posts. Before our project, the creation of blog articles was much more complicated and very technical. As our team is of course not just made up of tech-savvy people, we wanted to simplify the whole process of creating/editing a blog post. To do this, we looked at a few solutions that make it easy to edit content on websites. We came across a content management system.
#website #coding #behind-the-scenes25.01.2023 | Figma Prototyping Workshop: Adventskalender-App
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
Kurz vor Weihnachten fand ein Figma Prototyping Workshop für Kinder im Alter von 6 bis 12 Jahren statt. Bei diesem Workshop ging es darum, einen individuellen Adventskalender mit der Design-Software Figma zu erstellen. Die Teilnehmenden wurden mit einem vorgegebenen Adventskalender-Template ausgestattet, das sie nach ihren eigenen kreativen Vorstellungen gestalten sollten.
Adventskalender-Template in Figma
Die 5 Teilnehmenden haben sich bei der Gestaltung des Adventskalenders viele verschiedene Möglichkeiten ausgedacht. Einige haben hinter den Türchen Bilder hochgeladen, andere haben eigene kleine Designs erstellt. Ein paar haben sogar die ursprünglich 7 Türchen auf 24 erweitert.
#workshop #figma #design #advent27.11.2022 | December-Workshop: Animations with Scratch
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
On November 26, the workshop “It speaks!” took place, in which participants practiced animating with Scratch. They were able to speak a word, e.g. the name of their favorite desert, play it back with Scratch and then animate the lip movements of a stick figure to match.
With the help of our Lip Sync toolkit, the participants were quickly able to enjoy their first successes.
After we had previously held this workshop online, this was the first time it could take place in person. A short description of the workshop can also be found at Workshops > It Speaks!
#workshop #programmieren #scratch #animation09.11.2022 | FEZ Crazy Lab Workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten
Last weekend, our Dashbot workshop took place for the second time at the FEZ, a popular event for kids and parents alike. Dashbot? - They’re those cute little blue robots that you can do all sorts of crazy things with. As part of the crazy lab at the FEZ, interested children were able to let off steam. The highlight is that the robots can be programmed in a beginner-friendly way. This means that all actions can also be carried out automatically. We were on site with mentors to answer any questions. This encouraged the children’s experimental curiosity.
#workshop #FEZ #Dashbot #Herbstferien09.11.2022 | Löt Workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
Programming is already pretty cool, but in the cold temperatures our fingers freeze on the keyboards and we look for new challenges. For example, soldering. This was made possible by contacts at xHain and we are happy about this collaboration, even if we had to leave our cozy room in Schöneweide for it.
You probably already know how our programming workshops work from the other blog articles. If not, then you should definitely read them! But back to soldering. The ten free places were quickly booked up and eight lucky children made it to our workshop. The two who didn’t make it were hopefully not quite so sad …
#workshop21.09.2022 | Our code of conduct
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
We have recently given some thought to how we want to organize our cooperation in the team of the CoderDojo team as well as in workshops and other events we organize. The result of this have been recorded in our new Code of Conduct!
Our Code of Conduct consists of three parts: General principles of conduct, conduct towards team colleagues and Behavior towards children and young people. The general part defines rules that we would like to see in our dealings with each other. This includes, for example, respectful behavior, dealing constructively with mistakes and diversity in word and deed. In the team part, we place particular emphasis on clear and open communication with each other and independent work. When working with children and young people, a responsible approach is particularly important to us. important to us. We want to respect the rights of children and young people and their individual boundaries. Furthermore we want to serve as positive role models and encourage them in their development.
#verhaltenskodex #code of conduct #happiness19.09.2022 | Badges in CoderDojo
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
Today you can find badges or trophy systems in many learning platforms or learning apps. They are designed to motivate learning enthusiasts such as children, for example, in order to promote fun and learning progress. I asked myself to what extent badges and trophy systems can encourage children to learn programming and how they influence a child’s fun and self-motivation.
To do this, I first looked at research on the use of badges in education. In order to relate my study to our CoderDojo and the children, I incorporated experiences from our Coding in the Dojo workshop. It quickly became clear that Scratch was a suitable initial environment for thinking about badge design. So I took a closer look at the functions of Scratch to find out to what extent badges can be integrated here. The result was a huge function tree - everything you can do with Scratch.
#htw #scratch #Abzeichen #Coding im Dojo19.03.2022 | Coding in March
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
Despite the beautiful weather, we spent this Saturday morning indoors. This time we got straight into our projects without any introductions. New game elements were added to almost finished games. Games that had just been thought up were started again.
If you want to implement certain game mechanics, Scratch is the perfect foundation, just like designers who focus on character development or future authors who want to tell their story in a playful way. The biggest project - a Discord chat bot - runs in Python.
#htw #workshop #programmieren #spiele #python #scratch #kreativ12.03.2022 | Hack Workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
In movies, hackers often sit in dark rooms, shrouded in eternal night. Our workshop in cooperation with HTW Hackt showed that there is another way: it was a sunny Saturday afternoon, blue skies and bright rooms in which our ninjas could train. The topic this time was XSS, which stands for cross-site scripting and simply put means executing code on websites via input fields.
Since you can’t just hack in everywhere, the people from HTW Hackt created a website themselves, which the participants were allowed to explore. And with success! In the end, everyone was able to “steal” each other’s secrets stored on the profile and change background images on the website.
#htw #workshop #programmieren #hacken #cookies #HTWHackt06.03.2022 | Programming for Space - Astro Pi Workshop - Part Two
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
“Brighten up the daily routine of the astronauts on the International Space Station.” - Cheer up the everyday life of astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). That is the goal of the Mission Zero project, which we worked on together on January 29.
A total of six children and young people took part. It was about the ISS. It was about temperature, humidity and pressure measurements using appropriate sensors. It was about Python programming on Raspberry Pi’s. And on top of that: The workshop took place in cooperation with a South African CoderDojo! Before the programming started, we were able to introduce ourselves to each other in a video call. Partners were found straight away who will send their project together to the astronauts on the ISS.
#workshop #htw #einstieg #weltraum #programmieren #esa #astropi #python #iss #missionzero31.01.2022 | CoderDojo Schöneweide - Corporate Design
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
I came across the “CoderDojo Schöneweide” project at HTW and wanted to take part in it. As my strengths lie more in the area of design and programming, I looked for an alternative job to mentoring within the Dojo. I was welcomed with open arms and found out with the help of the other members that the team was still looking for someone to take care of the corporate design and revise the current design.
#htw #design #corporateDesign15.01.2022 | Neues Format: Coding im Dojo
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
To get the new year off to a good start, the first Coding im Dojo of the year took place on January 15. As with every Coding im Dojo, the focus is on making and creativity. All participants can come to us with their own topics and the mentors will endeavor to support your projects in word and deed and help you develop and tinker 🧑🏫.
The children were able to take part in this “Coding in the Dojo” either on site or online via BigBlue-Button. Thanks to our mentors’ experience with the tool, the integration of online participants went very smoothly.
#workshop #coding-im-dojo #programmieren #scratch #discord09.01.2022 | Minecraft Workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
We, the CoderDojo Schöneweide, organized a voluntary workshop at the HTW Berlin on the Wilhelminenhof campus on January 8th, 2022.
The motto this time was “MINECRAFT”! Or rather Minecraft Redstone. Redstone is an object that serves as a manufacturing recipe. This makes it possible to build lines made of so-called redstone dust. These lines can then transmit redstone signals. This also enables the construction of larger redstone circuits. We showed our young participants how it is possible to build small circuits in Minecraft.
#workshop #htw #einstieg #spiel #programmieren #minecraft05.01.2022 | Chatbot with Scratch 2021
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
Last week, we met again on the Wilhelminenhof campus of HTW Berlin and let the children program a chatbot with the help of Scratch. Once all the children had found their way to us, we got started after a short round of introductions and the question “What is your favorite robot (Bender Futurama!)”.
The children got to grips well with the week’s topic. The first attempts to design a chatbot were accomplished with the support of mentors.
#workshop #einstieg #grundschule #programmieren #scratch05.01.2022 | Women in computer science
Lesedauer: ca. 5 Minuten
Computer science has its origins in the 19th century. The founder of this science and the first female programmer was Ada Lovelace with her algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers with the Analytical Engine calculating machine. From the beginning of the computer until the 1980s, programming was considered a “typical female profession”. The first electronic computer was used in 1942 for war purposes on behalf of the US Army. Especially during the Second World War, only women did programming, which is now hard to believe, as the computer science industry today only has a very small proportion of women. Back then, the reputation of a female programmer was not as special or outstanding as it is today, but rather that of a modern secretary.
#programmieren #informatik #frauen24.11.2021 | Between beetles and building blocks workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
We, the CoderDojo Schöneweide, organized a voluntary workshop on 20.11.21 at the HTW Berlin on the Wilhelminenhof campus.
Under the motto “Between Beetles and Building Blocks”, our little ladybird Kara and our brick figure Robot Karol helped us to understand the world of programming and algorithms. Kara and Robot Karol are programming environments designed for children and young people.
After a brief introduction to Kara, the children were able to get to know and operate the program independently. For example, Kara the ladybird can move mushrooms or sit on clover leaves and place them in other places.
#workshop #htw #einstieg #spiel #programmieren #kara #karol01.11.2021 | Gruselige Party zum 10. Geburtstag von CoderDojo
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
Can you believe it? CoderDojo is already celebrating its tenth anniversary! And we, the CoderDojo Schöneweide, have turned 2 years old. These milestones need to be celebrated! Just in time for Halloween, we, the CoderDojo Schöneweide, organized a voluntary spooky birthday party workshop at the HTW Berlin on the Wilhelminenhof campus. Wilhelminenhof campus.
There were delicious homemade cupcakes, balloons, costumes and, of course, young, determined programmers! Everything a CoderDojo party needs to be a success.
#workshop #htw #einstieg #spiel #geburtstag #halloween #programmieren #scratch25.10.2021 | FEZ Phenomena Workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
It’s the fall vacations in Berlin and the FEZ Berlin invited children and their families to marvel, explore and play. play. The fall vacations were not supposed to be boring. We from CoderDojo Schöneweide were also there with 2 voluntary organized workshops on site. Our energetic mentors played and programmed together with the children small, lively Dash robots that could be operated with a tablet.
There were a total of 5 different challenges to overcome at both workshops. The children were given a clipboard with a sheet of paper on which the 5 different challenges were illustrated. were shown. There were 2 tasks for each challenge. The young participants received a colored sticker for each completed task sticker for each completed task - one for taking part and one for programming.
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #fez #programmieren #herbstferien #dash #roboter #bots11.09.2021 | Improving the world through games
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
We from CoderDojo Schöneweide also offered a volunteer workshop at the Treptow-Köpenick Volunteer Days as part of the Berlin Volunteer Days. On Saturday morning, 11.09.21, everything revolved around how we can improve the world with games. There are two questions we need to answer. Firstly, what does it actually mean to make the world a better place? Secondly, how can we do this with games? To approach these questions naturally, we first discussed our favorite games.
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #freiwilligentage #sternenfischer #besserewelt20.08.2021 | Your own lens
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
On Friday, 20.08.2021, three mentors held a workshop on the topic of “Your own Lense”. Four children and their parents took part in the workshop.
The idea for our workshop was for the children to program their own photo filters with the “Pocket Code” app and have fun doing so. At the beginning, we did a short round of introductions to warm up. Then we played a game in which we mentors set a topic for each round. each round, and the children then designed a matching photo filter on paper in a short space of time.
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #grundschule #programmieren05.08.2021 | Our first presence dojo during the Corona pandemic - A how-to
Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten
Two weeks before our July workshop, the idea came up that it might be possible to hold it live and outdoors. Enthusiastic about the idea, we first had to find out which framework conditions applied. In the end, the organizational effort was surprisingly easy to manage in 2 weeks:
The location
In the shadow of the rising numbers at the end of July, “outside but still with access to electricity” was a relevant key point. By chance and spontaneously, we came across Sebastian from Remili, or Einhorn gGmbH, who was very accommodating. Thank you very much for that! Hopefully future workshops can also take place at Hasselwerderstr. 22A by arrangement....
05.08.2021 | Summer, sun, games! An experience report
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
In the middle of the summer vacations, the sun only peeked through the clouds from time to time on Thursday, but there was no end of fun programming games.
Programmieren unter freiem Himmel - ein erster Eindruck
Under the open sky in a relaxed picnic atmosphere, all participants were finally able to talk to each other in person. It was a bit unusual for everyone to get to know each other first, but eventually everyone had their say (including the parents! :)) to talk about their vacation experiences.
#workshop #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #scratch #outdoor #ferien #freizeit #bildung28.06.2021 | June Workshop 2021
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
On 22.06.2021 we got together and organized a scratch workshop. It was quite a small workshop this time, so close to the summer vacations, but the small group made the atmosphere very relaxed.
As always at the beginning of a workshop, the mentors introduced themselves so that the participants knew who they could turn to if they had any questions. This time, it was also possible for the participants to introduce themselves right at the beginning. This had the advantage that the participants were involved early on and were thus on the same level as the mentors.
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #scratch20.05.2021 | Scratch Week 2021
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
Just in time for Scratch Week, we held a workshop on 20.05.2021 in which where children could realize their own projects with the help of Scratch. 8 pupils of different ages took part and 4 mentors who organized and led the workshop. The theme of the workshop was “Magical Arcade”. A theme that the children could use as a guide and that gave them plenty of scope for ideas.
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #scratch03.05.2021 | Programming for Space - Astro Pi Workshop
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
Space, infinite expanses. The year is 2021, and these are the adventures of young developers who write programs together to support the work of the crew of the International Space Station ISS. This is Astro Pi Mission Zero!
The aim of the workshop was to develop a program to measure the current humidity on board the ISS and then communicating this to the astronauts in a personalized message. For this purpose Astro Pi is used on the ISS for this purpose: a small computer with various sensors to measure the current temperature, humidity and air pressure as well as an LED matrix consisting of eight by eight LEDs that can be individually controlled. LEDs that can be controlled individually. However, in order to be able to test the program locally, we used an emulator emulator that simulates the functionality of the Astro Pi on a website.
#workshop #pi #programmieren #python #weltraum22.04.2021 | Girls Day 2021
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
At our Girls Day 2021 workshop, we primarily explored the interplay between software and society. On April 22, 2021, 18 schoolgirls sat down together with 7 mentors (virtually, of course) and explored the question of how explored the question of how software influences our social lives. Does it do that at all? Where does it do it? And is it even good the way it does it?
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #scratch16.03.2021 | “Photo filters with PocketCode - A workshop with kein Abseits e.V.”
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
You can use fun filters and “lenses” on SnapChat and Instagram, that add additional elements to your photo - for example, a pair of whiskers in just the right place. In our first PocketCode workshop, we designed and programmed our own smart photo filters.
We ran the workshop together with mentors from kein Abseits e.V., so that they can pass on their knowledge to their mentees. Only a few mentees at kein Abseits e.V. have a laptop or tablet, but at least the parents all have a smartphone. That’s why we decided to use PocketCode. PocketCode runs on the smartphone. So you program apps with an app! You don’t even need to be connected to the internet once the app is installed. Because of the positive experiences we have had with PocketCode, we want to continue using PocketCode to overcome the hurdle of being able to participate in a dojo, to participate in a dojo and thus actively do something for educational equality.
#workshop #einstieg #app #verein #programmieren #pocketcode #design08.09.2020 | “Make your own games - Our first online workshop”
Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten
Designing a game is quite complicated: You have to think about the story you want to tell, what graphics or music you need, you have to design user-friendly menus and controls and of course you also have to manage to motivate the users! Of course, you can’t learn all this in a single workshop, but at least we were able to offer the participants of our online workshop on September 5, 2020 an introduction.
#workshop #einstieg #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #scratch #design03.04.2020 | “Introduction to computer science for primary school pupils - you can learn a lot even without a computer!”
Lesedauer: ca. 3 Minuten
How do I tell a robot how to make a sandwich, clear garbage in the park or catch a balloon? On March 5, 2020, a sixth grade class from the Grundschule an der Wuhlheide was able to find out at our introductory programming workshop at HTW. programming at the HTW. One of the most important findings from this workshop was certainly Computer science education is possible with analog games even without expensive technical equipment!
#workshop #einstieg #unplugged #spiel #grundschule #programmieren #scratch #motoren27.10.2019 | “Welcome to CoderDojo Schöneweide”
Lesedauer: ca. 1 Minute
Welcome to CoderDojo Schöneweide! Here in our blog you can follow our current projects and keep up to date with our events.
We are a group of students from the HTW Berlin who have made it their goal to organize a programming workshop for children and young people between the ages of 7 and 17 at the university.